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Jazlene Davis
Reference Media is a Nearpod feature that allows teachers to add PDFs, web content, images, videos, or audio files to activities in Nearpod. Students access this media for reference when responding to a question or activity. Reference Media can be added to Open-Ended Questions, Drag & Drop, It, Polls, Quizzes, Collaborate Boards, and Time to Climb. How to add to Reference Media to a Nearpod activity or formative assessment session
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How to add Reference Media to a Nearpod activity or formative assessment
Reference Media is a Nearpod feature that allows teachers to add PDFs, web content, images, videos, or audio files to activities in Nearpod. Students access this media for reference when responding to a question or activity. Reference Media can be added to Open-Ended Questions, Drag & Drop, Draw It, Polls, Quizzes, Collaborate Boards, and Time to Climb.
With Reference Media teachers can:
Provide supports to scaffold and differentiate for student needs
Save time and replace anchor charts and other references students typically use in the classroom
Give media for students to respond to with links to articles, images, PDFs, or by sharing video and audio files