Collaborate Board: Disable heart/likes
Jocelyn Sheahan
I would love to be able to disable the heart/likes on the collaboration board. My students get so fixated on how many likes they have that they are not reading other student responses.
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Heraclio Gutierrez
help me pleas video add
Heraclio Gutierrez
Andrew Linder
I think this could be fixed with a few lines of code. Should be easy to do and would like to disable it as well.
Carla Jamieson
Yes, please give us a toggle that we can switch to disable the heart/like feature. That would be soo wonderful!
Paula Asinas
I came on here to post the exact same thing! It’s so distracting for 4th graders who are growing up in a Tic Tok world and are so obsessed with “getting likes” that they no longer care about the content they actually shared.
Andrew Neft
I came here specifically for this. Please have the option to disable it. I understand that it can have a function, but it becomes very distracting.
Melissa Gillispie
THIS!!!!! My students will not focus on the lesson or question being asked because they only care about how many likes they are getting or obsessed on making one have likes or taking it off so it looks like it is glitching.
Christian Rossi
Merged in a post:
Disable "Likes"
Jill McCabe
Is there a way to disable the "likes" feature on Collaborative slides?
Christian Rossi
Merged in a post:
Collaborate Board Reactions
Andrea Lee
It would be great if teachers could turn the reactions feature off on collaborate board.
Ian Wilson
I would like to see this feature added please.
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